Yes, it was so long time ago I did write to my blog and worked with my favourite polymer clay... I decided to have small pause (which turned to big!) in my beading and claying. I thought a lot of my goals and aims in the art, should I continue to work on or this is my maximum. It happened because one day I realized my hands are worng, my mind is wrong and I will never say something new to this world. And my painting helped me to understand - if I want to continue my creative way I just should do it with or without doubts. And doubts will never help me to make one new step, to go on another high level. I should just switch my inner voice off and do, do and do as much as it possible. Stupid conclusion? May be. But it works!
Anyway, I am claying and beading againe and I can not live without it :-)
Among them I work with my husband on the christmas fair every weekend now and of course Christmas mood is not passing by me :-)
To små Julestjerner
10 лет назад