суббота, 24 апреля 2010 г.

The Bold Flavour Of Spring

This is one of my newest and biggest necklaces. Biggest because polymer beads here are really big - from 3cm diameter to 4,5! I decided to make it one long and cold winter evening. I was missing spring with all that wonders like smells, butterflies, flowers and sunrays. I could not stop to think about it and my big wish turned to big beads))) I send this picture as additional work to Bead Dreams contest but it is not good enough. Anyway other my work goes to final, jippi!!!

вторник, 13 апреля 2010 г.

Recovering song

I am trying get well after surgery on my jaw from yesterday. Not fresh feelings and not easy time, but I am try to optimistiс. Enjoy the moment with me, please!

воскресенье, 11 апреля 2010 г.

Oi-oi, cool spring

It was unexpected as usual, but my computer was totally blocked with spy program! It blocked all my activities and it took more then 3 weeks to start my connections with other system and all my pictures, all my files-books-films and many-many others for 3 years are missed now...
Anyway I continued my funny games with polymer clay and result - young Green man)))